SSA Dues Reminder

All – Invoices went out today for SSA Dues for everyone renewing through the club under the SSA Chapter renewal program.

This years renewal period is 7/1/20 through 6/30/21. Those of you that joined the club more recently than last June or are participating in the chapter renewal for the first time and had an existing SSA membership expiring after 6/30/20 will see a prorated charge (rather than a full year) bringing your new renewal date to the 6/30/21.

The club must remit payment to the SSA to arrive by 6/5/20 to ensure all renewals are processed before expiry. We ask therefore that you please remit your payment promptly (by the 5/20 invoice due date) as for cash flow purposes we prefer to have received funds before having to remit funds to the SSA. Thanks for your help.